Sunday, February 28, 2010

First Blogspot Blog.

I've had a plethora of blogs. I started with Xanga back in [either] March or April 2002. I was 12 years old. I had no idea what blogging was except for the mere fact it was just a "public diary", although it didn't contain my innermost thoughts & secrets. And this won't either. (= Unless my blog metamorphosizes into someone named Joshua P. Davison, then that's a whole different story.

I stayed consistent with Xanga for a steady three to four years. I started to dwindle around the 2005-2006 mark, probably because I had a boyfriend now [same one mentioned above!] at the beginning of 2005. Haha. Either that, or Xanga [or possibly, blogging] wasn't just holding onto me as tightly as it primarily did. After Xanga, I tried my hand at WordPress, but that didn't really last. I tried to get into it recently [as in tonight], but it seemed too high-maintenance for me. I also have a Tumblr, but I've neglected that terribly.

I'm a blog abuser. I use blogs for their temporary pleasures & then throw them away once I get bored with them. [ whore?] Who knows if Blogger will be different? It might be different. It can be different. The difference is that people around me were using the aforementioned blog sites & I think that's how I got into it. [I'm a conformist. I'm not proud.] I'm pretty sure that is also the same way I started using Myspace, Facebook, etc. I'm surprised I don't have a Twitter! [ALTHOUGH...I am heavily tempted to get one...just for Lil' Wayne. Haha.]

No, this could be different. I'm going through some very testing times in life right now, & like I said, this is my self-therapy. I won't get as deep as the Mariana Trench [credit to Joshua Davison], but I might. If you're reading this, I should give you a disclaimer before you decide to continue in case you get bored. Some things you will DEFINITELY see:

-I talk about my boyfriend a lot on blogs. A LOT. Deal with it. We've been together for over five years now [woooooop!], so of course there's going to be a lot of mentioning. He's practically in every single part of my entire life; so me scribing a blog without mentioning him is very well a sign for Armageddon.
-I don't use parentheses. I only use parentheses in school. You will see brackets when brackets are not supposed to be there.
-I might not blog for...ever. It might be consistent, or it might be sporadic. I might have daily rants & I might have annual droughts.
-Secret: I still have my Xanga. You can check it out at [or however they do it now]. It's inactive, but the current post is...(=
-Referring to the previous sentence, I use "(=" instead of "=)". It's too weird for me.
-I MIGHT get tempted to put up a survey here as an entry. Might.
-I'll try not to curse. I have a wide vocabulary [I also read that women's brains are more cognizant of a wider vocabulary than men, which is why communication can be a strongpoint of ours], but if I need to drop an expletive & that offends you, I really do apologize. I'd rather get it out now than get out my thesaurus.
-This might last, this might not. If it doesn't, I apologize to whoever does read this & keeps up with it & actually finds it interesting.
-This is for me. Not for you or you or you. Writing is therapeutic, but not when your hands start hurting. Oh boy.
-I'll try to make witty blogs, have intriguing entries that will make you laugh or [hopefully not, though] cry, & pull you in as much as I can. You've already read this from beginning to end & I thank you. Wish me luck. (=

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